Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

Computational Finance as a Professional Tool for Financial Graduates

Computational Finance as a Professional Tool for Financial Graduates

Image source: http://depts.washington.edu/compfin/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/IMG_39181.jpg

One of the most important tools that financial graduates need for professional success is computational finance. This study combines computer analysis, mathematics and financial knowledge to assess the total risk of specific types of investments. Computational finance is used a variety of situations in financing to increase information available to clients who are concerned about a volatile economy. There are numerous jobs available for financial graduates conversant in computational finance.

The use of risk management and computer analysis in the financial industry can help investment professionals provide sound advice to clients. Investment funds are notoriously fickle during periods of economic growth and decline. These funds are favoured by financial advisors who arrange high-growth and high-risk retirement accounts for clients. Computational finance allows financial graduates to analyse investment fund histories as well as independent market factors to forecast returns for clients.

Another area where computational finance helps financial graduates is the murky market for derivatives and junk bonds. Derivative contracts allow investors to make significant profits off of upward and downward movements in other financial vehicles. Junk bonds are financial vehicles that are deemed substandard according to investment grades but offer large-profit potential for investors willing to risk large amounts of money. These investments become less risky when financial graduates use computational finance to map out the likelihood of market downturns. It is important to note that derivatives and junk bonds are never safe investments even though computational finance removes part of the mystique.

Financial graduates can use computational finance for successful careers in corporate planning and strategy. The detailed reports that can be produced by inserting corporate profits, expenses and other statistical information into finance programmes can help executives chart a course for future success. This specialised area of financial planning makes the job market lucrative for the right financial graduate. You can work as a consultant for multiple companies or work within a single corporate setting to use your analytical skills to help push quality products.

Graduates with a familiarity in computational finance do not need to stay within the financial industry to find work. Your desire to teach others computational finance can lead to instructional opportunities at business institutes and technical schools. Government agencies are looking for financial graduates to use computer skills and analytical talents to remedy budget problems. It is wise for financial graduates to keep their options open while computational finance remains a niche industry.

Commodity Trading On A Simple But Grand Scale

Commodity Trading On A Simple But Grand Scale

Image source: http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-commodities-trading-on-a-global-scale-as-concept-70162630.jpg

Commodity trading has been around for what seems like forever. If a usable product is going to be bought and sold in bulk it has a value that can fluctuate and is thus a commodity, there are those who will "bet" on the value of a load of that commodity, or at what price it will be either bought or sold, in order to make a bit of money. This trading of commodity values is a large part of the world's stock exchanges, and although it is the riskiest of the trading segments, it is also the one that can produce the most rewards when an enterprising trader makes the best guess on longest odds. It is a fascinating and complex business that draws many participants due to the lure of great profits to be made.

There are various types of commodities that are traded on a daily basis and they range from raw commodities like coffee, corn or precious metals like gold and silver to utilities like electricity or natural gas to currencies of various nations and even to bandwidth available to conduct online operations. Along with the variety of commodities that are traded, there are those traders who are simply trying to keep prices for certain commodities stable known as hedgers and those who are the bettors - those who are speculating on what the commodity price will be in order to make a profit.

Along with the world's major stock exchanges where commodities trading happens daily nearly all day long, Satoshi Systems has created an insulated platform for trade financing that simplifies and makes transparent all parts of trade transactions using a blockchain programming. This system allows those who are wanting to get trade financing for their commodities to enter their information into the system and then get competitive bids from banks and financial commodity lenders who will lend money to the trader against the eventual resale, which hopefully happens at a profit.

This system puts a bit more power in the hands of the trader for making decisions based on best offers and can also help them track their shipments, inventory, and can even make suggestions about obtaining the best bids and prices for their commodity trade goods. Eventually, the trader can even find a buyer through the same system, and will also hopefully make a profit in this transaction.

Since all the transactions made in Satoshi Systems are transparent and all participants can see what is happening, the amount of verification on the transactions using blockchain keep everyone honest and allow for the best outcomes for all participants. It is the best of the commodity trade finance platforms available - completely secure and analytical tools available and able to keep track of all parts of a trade transaction from beginning to end. The commodity secure trade platforms from Satoshi Systems offer security, privacy and ease of use for all participants anywhere in the transaction chain.

Streamlining the trade finance process for commodity traders makes Satoshi Systems the leading secure commodities trading platform available today.

Canadian Real Estate Crash

Canadian Real Estate Crash

Image source: http://www.getwhatyouwant.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Macleans-Great-Real-Estate-Crash-of-2013.jpg

For 5 years running, predictions of a crash in Canadian real estate have failed to materialize. Industry experts with decades of experience have been baffled by the staying power of Canadas housing market, as its now the worlds most overpriced real estate, using comparative income levels as a measure. Not only this, Canadians are among the most indebted of any nation on earth, making the housing market that much more susceptible to a crash. The average Canadian is now $76,000 in debt.

Nonetheless, housing prices have surged relentlessly forward year in and year out, stretching the budgets of Canadians to levels never seen before in Canadas history. Like many nations, Canada has adopted the belief that a house is an investment, therefore renovations, updates, and any house expense can be viewed as part of that investment. Even though professional investors will say that houses arent investments, many people believe they are. Why?

The belief stems from the notion that houses always go up in value, an idea most likely put forward by the real estate industry itself. Is it true though? It doesnt take much hindsight to see that its patently false. Housing crashes have happened everywhere, even cities which were convinced it could never happen to them, like San Francisco or Los Angeles. Still, people believe their house will never fall in price because theyre told that continually by realtors, mortgage brokers, home renovation shows, and even banks. Its no wonder they believe it.
The dangerous part of believing this is that its potentially devastating to your personal finances. When you buy a home worth $250,000-$1,000,000, your losses could be catastrophic if the market moves against you. Imagine trying to renew your mortgage when you owe $350,000 and your house is only worth $250,000. You may think the bank will overlook it, but they wont. Theyll ask for a check to cover the $100,000 shortfall and failing that, theyll repossess the house and sell it to recover their losses.
In Canada, the average home price is now north of $450,000, which is astounding when you consider that most of Canada is frozen wasteland where nobody in their right mind would want to live. This price run up as been fueled by Canadas lowest interest rates in recorded history, for the longest time in recorded history. Practically everybody owns more house than they would be able to afford with historically normal rates of interest. This is a very dangerous scenario, because what happens if rates rise or prices fall? Literally millions of Canadians will be bankrupt. House prices will crash, banks will go out of business, and the country will descend into a depression.
In fact, that scenario is beginning in Alberta, where oil prices determine the financial state of the province. Alberta is the Texas of Canada, only less diversified economically. When oil crashes, Alberta crashes, and oil has already crashed. Albertans are the most indebted people of anyone in Canada, averaging a staggering $124,000 in debt per capita. This doesnt include mortgage debt either, this is only personal debt.
And now the province is sinking economically due to oil falling. Realtors report that already theyve seen a 45% increase in listings of houses, as sellers rush to sell before the housing crash. What happens to banks when 1 million people who owe on average $124,000 fall into financial difficulty? Nothing good. Add to that the value of their properties falling and you have the recipe for a total disaster.
This may be the first province to fall, but rest assured, other provinces arent far behind. Although they may not be quite as bad as Alberta when it comes to debt, theyre still the worst in the world, and thats bad enough. Yes, Canada is in for a very hard landing, no matter what the pundits say. Canadians have drunk the Kool Aid of low interest rates and rising house prices forever, and now the day of reckoning is here. Everyone from the International Monetary Fund to the Bank of Canada has warned Canadians, but to no avail, the home renovation shows, which air for 3 straight hours during prime time in Canada apparently have more persuasive power.
Most Canadians are too young to know what happens in a real estate crash, as its been 30 years since one occurred, but theyre about to find out. Canadas 5 years of good luck just ran out, as its largest and most important export is now worth half what it was 6 months ago. Add to this the fact that all commodities have fallen just as badly, and being that Canada is a resource driven economy, theres little doubt the country is headed for very hard times indeed.
A good financial advisor can help prevent this, and explain the benefits of a balanced asset mix, with real estate as only part of that mix. Wealthy people only have 9% of their assets in real estate, while the average person has closer to 65%. Its easy to suggest that this is because theyre wealthy, so their home makes up less of their net worth, but they werent always wealthy, and became so by investing, not spending every dime on a mortgage. Financial advisors Vancouver promotes an investing strategy used by wealthy people, but may be unfamiliar to most.

Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

Buy-to-let Secured Loans Are Gaining Traction

Buy-to-let Secured Loans Are Gaining Traction

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/3b3d5558-4266-4b0a-b452-6475aa9f8c58-170207130558/95/brunel-broker-pack-2017-4-638.jpg?cb=1486472790

There has always been a portion of entrepreneurial and enterprising individuals who get into the rental of residential property as an investment opportunity. The idea of being a landlord doesn't scare them away with the responsibility that comes with that title, and the lure of making income while only maintaining property for others to live in has a definite draw - especially as it usually doesn't require the landlord to leave a current check-paying job. The extra income is welcome and can certainly lead to more with proper management and budgeting.

The issue of getting started in this revenue-generation is usually getting the capital to buy the property that is going to be for let or rent. Now, however, many lenders are coming around to the idea of providing secured loans for buy-to-let property. This means that the individual who is purchasing the buy-to-let property can essentially mortgage it with something to put up for collateral, and then use at least some of the rental fees to pay the loan. This type of Secured loans buy to let property arrangement has become popular for both lenders as well as borrowers.

With Affordable Home Loans as the lender, buyers are able to use the current buy to let property as the security against the money loaned and they don't have to change the mortgage arrangements they already have in place. This is a very convenient device to get the needed financing while maintaining status quo for paperwork and red tape reduction. Affordable Home Loans is a Secured loan broker that offers these attractive buy to let remortgages at very good rates and generous re-payment schedules.

Of course, buyers or landlords who go to Affordable Home Loans for financing don't have to use the buy to let property as security on the loan - it can actually be anything of value that is at least 25-35% greater than the amount of the loan being requested. That could be other land or home property, a boat or some other high-value security that, if necessary in the case of default, the lender could take possession of and dispose of to cover the shortage they would suffer from the default.

Whether you are new to the investment property industry or you have been a long-time investor and manager, these newer secured buy to let loans and mortgages are a gift that can have profound and positive impacts. Going with Affordable Home Loans means that you will have access to a group of lenders offering best rates and payment plans, and working through Affordable with their experienced team of mortgage experts to help you figure out the best path to take in getting your financing worked out.

The very best part? You don't have to have perfect credit to be able to qualify for these secured buy to let loans as the security protects the lender in case of default. That lessens their risk and offers greater opportunities to those who may be using investment property acquisition and buy to let ownership help them out of their own financial hardship. Call Affordable Home Loans for more information on your buy to let secured loan.

Business Opportunity Financing

Business Opportunity Financing

Image source: http://dfi.wa.gov/images/financial-education/business-opportunities-fb.jpg

In today's unstable financial market place, people all over the United States are wondering what to do with their potential financial deals. In some publications, they are advocating the best deal is no deal at all. With U.S bank failures in 2008 that have risen to thirteen ( See List Below), many people feel sitting on the sidelines may be the best deal at the present moment..

U. S Bank Failures 2008

Washington Mutual Bank, Henderson, NV and Washington Mutual Bank FSB, Park City, UT September 25, 2008 Ameribank, Northfork, WV September 19, 2008 Silver State Bank, Henderson, NV En Espaol September 5, 2008 Integrity Bank, Alpharetta, GA August 29, 2008 The Columbian Bank and Trust, Topeka, KS August 22, 2008 First Priority Bank, Bradenton, FL August 1, 2008 First Heritage Bank, NA, Newport Beach, CA July 25, 2008 First National Bank of Nevada, Reno, NV July 25, 2008 IndyMac Bank, Pasadena, CA July 11, 2008 First Integrity Bank, NA, Staples, MN May 30, 2008 ANB Financial, NA, Bentonville, AR May 9, 2008 Hume Bank, Hume, MO March 7, 2008 Douglass National Bank, Kansas City, MO January 25, 2008

In many instances, the best deal may be no deal at all, but lets look at the opportunity it brings out in the construction and trucking areas. The rent vs buy debate has always gone on in a good and/or bad economy. The renting of construction equipment doesn't require a large outlay of upfront cash but the weekly and/or monthly payments can be extremely high. There is only a short term commitment to the obligation and you will return the construction equipment once the rent period is over. If you are using this construction equipment over a longer period of time, the short term costs add on quickly. In essence, you could have bought and/or leased the equipment with the option to buy and retained title to the construction equipment for the same costs. The bottom line with the buy and/or lease example you would have equity in the equipment at the end of the financial obligation..

This seems like an easy decision but not in this economy. The financing arrangement includes more upfront costs and an obligation usually between 36-60 months...In today's economy, this financing period may seem like a lifetime. In order to get down to more basic principles, it seems like the key to the decision making is what is is a good business financing opportunity. This may include the following information......Do I have a bona fide contract for some defined period. If the answer is yes, how long is it for and what is my total revenue for this period. The next thing to consider is my costs related to this revenue stream. For the most part, the financing obligation usually is one's biggest expense. For this example, instead of using a five year payout for a lease to own, we decide that three years is as long as want to pay the equipment for. Even though the payments are higher per month than five years, we are more comfortable that this analogy than projecting out more unknown time periods beyond three years.. Using this example and comparing all costs, including the three year payout of my financial obligaton, to my revenue stream may be a better way of looking at this business opportunity....If the numbers may sense and the contract runs beyond three years, the amount of net income, cash flow, will be magnified for the fourth or fifth year etc because the financing of the equipment will be paid for at the end of third year...

If this example makes sense, than the next step in this business opportunity financing decision would be hammering out the best price for your construction equipment and shopping for your best financing deal. This may take take some effort on your part but the risk/rewards factors of todays economy may dictate this exercise. This makes a lot of sense because at the end of your shopping for acquisition costs and financing needs, you should be able to ascertain if you have a business acquisition and financing opportunity. If you do great, if not, the rent option Is always available to you as an alternative...

This business opportunity financing arrangement should also apply for the trucking industry as well. There are many places that you can lease on to but your own truck is necessary. With the prices of diesel fuel starting to drop and many companies looking for owner operators, this creates a large opportunity for a wage earner to become an owner operator. This transformation of the driver to owner operator will increase one's revenue stream dramatically. Once again the costs of acquiring this revenue stream should be looked at for fuel and financing costs. The bottom line at the end of the equation is this a good business financing opportunity? One area that one should look at is the repo market. Today, lenders have a large buildup of repossessions. This gives the startup and seasoned business a tremendous opportunity to acquire construction equipment, trucks, and trailers at attractive prices and possibly financing at favorable terms...

This applies to the following: dump trucks, semi trucks, boom trucks, construction trucks, cement and concrete trucks, flatbed trucks, day cabs, water and vacuum trucks, bucket trucks, concrete pumps, backhoes, bulldozers, forklifts, forestry equipment, skid steer loaders, grapple and landscape trucks, dry van and reefer trailers, flatbed and drop deck trailers, dump and end dump trailers etc

In conclusion, a good deal maybe no deal however one should should compare this to the rent vs buy scernio and come to their own conclusion. Bad market conditions can sometimes be turned around which creates great buying and financing business opportunities...

Happy hunting for your acquisition and financing

Business Expansion

Business Expansion

Image source: https://d3pl14o4ufnhvd.cloudfront.net/v2/uploads/94801e40-e5ea-47f4-acf1-f62f1b0007c3/38c76a48fdea282cd86eaa89b14915435b996ac2_original.jpg

Expanding Your Business

By: Tanner Poindexter

"In the realm of ideas, everything depends on enthusiasm.
In the realm of the real world, all the rest comes from perseverance."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Business expansion is when a business reaches a certain level of growth and looks for new ways to increase the profit of that business. Different forms of business expansion include:
Opening a new location
Adding sales employees
Increasing the marketing
Adding franchisees
Offering new products or services
Entering new markets

The strategy behind is all based on the resources the business has in front of them. Whether it be their financial situation, competition, or even government regulations.

Why Expand
Being an entrepreneur is an exciting way of life. Entrepreneurs are thrill seekers and look for ways to challenge themselves to grow as a business person as well as expand their business in profit, locations, and clientele. Even though this growth can be exciting, it can also be the best direction to take a business. It allows for a business to thrive and increase their brand recognition, offers a better service and product, and obtain a larger geographical market. When a business expands, they have an opportunity to dominate a market niche and reach economies of scale. Economies of scale allow for bigger businesses to have lower costs per unit and this, in turn, gives a larger fund to administration purposes like training employees and gaining new technology.

Risks of Expanding
Like anything you do in life, risks are always involved and can have a large impact on you or your business. Of course, expanding your business has risks or everyone who has opened a business would be trying to expand. The great part about risks is that you can study them and try to work around them by finding solutions. This puts you a step ahead when expanding because you can look at what others have done and learn from them and this can give you confidence for the future of your expansion. When looking at risks, it makes you plan and focus on the future of what your company could be. You must create detailed outlines of risks and outlines of the solutions. It keeps you organized and helps you stay on task when expanding. Even though you may organize, risks will still be very prevalent when expanding. To manage these risks, there are three easy steps to help lower the number of risks that may appear.

The first is once you have organized to stop risks, do your research. Youll want to ask people what they want to see from you and if they have any input. Ask other businesses about their expansion to get an idea of how certain things will work. Also, read up on past expansion problems, and how they were worked around so they will not be a problem. The second is to find a trusted person to act as your advisor, or second hand. You will want someone who can help you with your decision-making process, as well as help you navigate through the expansion process. They will be able to help you to ask the right questions, and get the answers you want to hear. The last thing to do is implement the strategies you know are effective. You started your business, and it grew, now you have hit a plateau, but you can still implement old strategies on a larger scale to get where you want to go.

There are many different strategies an entrepreneur could use to expand their business, but some of the top strategies are: increase your sales, market segmentation, and partnerships. Of course, increasing your sales seems obvious and easy but it is important to do it the right way and use the resources you already have in place. This may mean you must change your marketing strategy or use a larger location, but it will be your existing customer base you already have. Other ways to increase sales is to develop a competitive advantage, use content and social media marketing, and increasing your sales force. The next strategy is Market Segmentation. Market segmentation to many is a scary thing because people feel that you lose a lot of the market, but being able to focus on one part of the market allows you to focus on an exact customer and create a great start for growth. Market segmentation allows for companies to increase its competitiveness and customer retention and overall will increase the profit. The last strategy is creating a partnership. Partnerships allow businesses to use their resources to their advantage to compete with the larger companies. Lets say that your company manufactures and sells baseball bats. With your technology used in creating these bats, your bats create more force and to not get worn down as quickly over time. The only problem is that you do not have a large manufacturing facility. You could partner with a baseball bat factory and wouldnt have to pay any money for your own facility. You would just have to pay a profit of every baseball bat you sell back to the factory. This allows for you to get high dollar production and distribution but wont have to spend money on your own facility.

Of these three main strategies above, there are many more that fall into these as subcategories. For example, to create a partnership to expand, one could also create an acquisition with another company. An acquisition is a process of a company buying most, if not all, of another companys business to take control of. This will allow that business to gain cost reductions, greater market share, as well as have the opportunity to expand overseas.

Should I Expand
As stated earlier in the article, entrepreneurs are adventure seekers and look for challenges to conquer in their lives and their businesses. To decide whether expansion is a good idea for you, do what you have done to get you in the position you are in today. Follow your gut and look at the growth you have made so far with your business. Use your business instincts and conquer the challenges in front of you and you will be successful.

Senin, 29 Januari 2018

Bulk REO Investor Profit Strategies

Bulk REO Investor Profit Strategies

Image source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/bulkreosellersfreeguidetoseasonedcapitalnosound-100913141937-phpapp02/95/bulk-reo-sellers-free-guide-to-seasoned-capital-investors-1-728.jpg?cb=1284388871

It's not going to be news to any of you reading this article that we're currently seeing an unprecedented number of property foreclosures in the US. Obviously the foreclosure crisis and the credit crunch which has followed on its heels are tragic situations for many and definitely deserve the title of crisis. However, this is also a time with an incredible number of opportunities for real estate investors who have the resources needed to take advantage of the situation and making investments now when real estate prices are at the lowest levels seen in many years.

One thing which is attracting a particularly large number of property investors at the moment is bulk REO investing, a real estate investment strategy which offers excellent prospects for profits and given the price of many of the properties currently on the market, these investments also provide the investor with an excellent profit margin.

Unless you've been doing a lot of research on your own or have some experience in the real estate market, you probably aren't quite sure how to make profitable investments in bulk REO properties. In fact, you may not even be sure exactly what these properties are, other than they're something a lot of people in the real estate business are talking about.

First, you need to know a little more about the process of property foreclosure, which is how bulk REO properties become available in the first place. We'll assume you know the basics of how a home goes into foreclosure and avoid covering ground that's been covered more thoroughly elsewhere. We all know that foreclosures are the ultimate result of a homeowner being unable to pay their mortgage. Eventually the property goes into the foreclosure process and unless the owner manages to bring their payments up to date before a defined grace period has elapsed, the home is sold, most often at a public auction.

When a home goes up for auction and is not sold, the property reverts to the lender. The property is then considered a REO property, Short for Real Estate Owned, the term originates in the record keeping systems used by banks and other financial institutions who provide mortgages and other financing for the purchase of homes. Since banks: 1) are not in the real estate business - and - 2) these properties represent a poor investment on the part of the lender, these institutions are eager to be write off these properties, even if this means selling the property at a loss.

Lenders often list these REO properties with real estate agents in an attempt to sell them, but in many cases the bank will package several properties at one very low price, often only pennies on the dollar; but anyone interested in buying these properties must buy them all as a single bulk purchase. However, for the experienced investor or savvy newcomer who has access to funding, these bulk REO properties can be a very profitable investment indeed.

The approach which many take in pursuing bulk REO investments is to work together with a partner who has access to funding sufficient to make these larger purchases. This is where things can get a little tricky for those who are new to the world of real estate investments, since creative funding strategies are sometimes called for to secure the liquid assets necessary. Investors who are interested in the possibilities and the enormous profit potential represented by bulk REO investments would do well to get in touch with real estate investment professionals who have the experience, the industry contacts and the financing know-how to make these unconventional but very lucrative investments a done deal.

There has never been a better time to get involved in real estate investment than the present - and with the opportunities offered by bulk REO property investments, there has rarely, if ever been more money to be made by investors. If you're even the slightest bit interested in making profitable investments in foreclosed properties, investing in bulk REO properties is something that you owe it to yourself to look into.

Bulk REO Investing, The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Bulk REO Investing, The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Image source: https://www.imoney.my/articles/wp-content/uploads/SC-RCA.png

BULK REO investing is getting quite a lot of attention these days, with good reason. Bulk REO investing means generating a profit by purchasing and disposing of large groups of foreclosed property rather than doing it individually. Veteran investors who already know the ins and outs of bulk reo investing can make huge profits in a short amount of time. Being able to convert a huge pool of distressed asstes into a "gold mine" will give you a large commission of between fifty to a hundred thousand dollars at a time. This is why there are many new people flocking to the industry as it does pay our larger and faster then traditional real estate investors have known in the foreclosure investing arena.

Investors who have a list of buyers with capital in hand lined up and ready to move fast are those that succeed. However, even small bulk REO deals still mean big money. There are investors who will even carve out properties of nationwide tapes to grab the best deals. I have known investors to use their personal savings for a bulk REO purchase, just so they could get a slice of the huge profits by getting property far below market value. They then were able to put it back on the market and sell it for full price within 90 days. However, even if you don't have personal money to spend on a bulk REO investment, you can find a money backer willing to partner with you for a fee.

It pays you to know how to find these types of deals. You do not need agents or brokers to find you these bulk reo assets. You also will find these deals on free online classified advertisting sites. When you find someone marketing these bulk reo properties, stay away from terms such as 'seller mandates' or 'compiler'.

The best source of deals is to start calling Regional banks and credit unions. Just like every real estate or financial endeavor, remember that bulk REO investing does not need a huge learning curve to get involved in. You need some basic training on what to say, how to say it, and where to look and how to exit your way out of the deals.

The first thing you need to do is identify good opportunities. As an investor, it is your job to research banks before deciding approaching them so you dont waste your time. REO property statitics can be found using publicly available information if you know where to look.

The large dollar figures involved can be intimidating to a new investor along with the fact that perhaps the process for selling REO's in bulk is not widely known to the general public.

When you recieve the tape from the bank, you need to do some due diligence so you can present it to potential buyers that it would most match their profile .

You can find that some tapes are in mixed condition, and there are times when the price matches the property, along with exceedingly low prices for damaged property. Understanding the estimated worth, will help you determine your fees. It is up to you to do the research so it is highly recommended that you take your time doing this before making a final deal to get the highest fee you can charge for finding great deals for resale.

Budget-Friendly Wedding Planning Tips

Budget-Friendly Wedding Planning Tips

Image source: http://rootsfloraldesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/20536089_10214313211809837_851079527_o-560x997.jpg

Every year, people spend tens of thousands of dollars on a single day the wedding day. From outrageous venues to opulent gowns, to gourmet food and free-flowing champagne, the average wedding costs anywhere between $10,000 and $20,000, if not much, much more. But for many couples, the events of the day are far less valuable than the end result being legally married to the love of their lives. While outlandishly expensive weddings seem to be the norm, in reality, getting married on a reasonable budget is by no means impossible. Follow these simple tips to get you started on your way to a beautiful day that won't jeopardize your financial future.

1. Skip the high-season
Wedding season is typically considered to run from April through September. You can avoid peak prices and scheduling nightmares by planning a wedding during the off season months (October through March). Not only will you have more resources available to you, and at better prices (peak prices are typically 25-50% higher than the rest of the year, which can translate to big savings), but all of your planning will likely be less stressful, as you won't be competing for locations, venues, officiates, and caterers with thousands of other couples.

2. Always opt for simplicity
One of the quickest ways to blow your wedding budget is to invite everyone you've ever met. Limit your guest list to close friends and family it's hard, but the payoff is worth it. Stick to simplicity when choosing a venue as well. Instead of renting the presidential ballroom at the swankiest hotel in town, opt for a wedding in a smaller, more personal venue. Many parks and small community churches are both beautiful and significantly less expensive than the more opulent, standard wedding venues. Or, if you're planning a wedding in your home town, use your childhood home, or the home of a close friend or relative for the occasion not only will the venue have more sentimental value, it will come with a much cheaper price tag.

3. Enlist the help of your wedding party
Many people hire professional wedding planners to handle the stress of orchestrating the big event (although it's doubtful a bride has ever gotten through it all stress free with or without the help of a professional planner). But why pay a sizable retainer to have a stranger plan your wedding, when you can enlist the help and support of your family members and wedding party to bring everything together. Organize your wedding party into a planning committee (remembering that, odds are, the ladies will take on most of the responsibilities let the men handle manual labor like setting up tables and chairs) and let them all contribute to your blessed event. If they're close enough to you to be in your wedding, odds are they will be more than happy to help you make it extra special. Have friends pitch in to take pictures, too, for a more personal experience and big savings on photography.

4. Don't stay married to tradition
There's no need for tuxedos and floor-length formal gowns. Crisp black suits and color-coordinated dresses are much easier to manage, and they don't require as much of an expense, as most men will already own a suit (and someone's own suit will always fit better than a rented tux), and simpler, color-coordinated dresses are more likely to be worn again (especially if you include your bridesmaids in the selection process).

5. Opt for lighter fare
Skip a sit-down dinner in favor of heavy hors doeuvres you'll save big on your overall budget, and your guests will likely appreciate the more casual atmosphere. And instead of a full bar, why not offer a signature cocktail along with cheaper staples like beer and wine? Above all, your wedding should reflect you as a couple, so keep that in mind throughout the planning process, and you're sure to have a beautiful, memorable wedding day, regardless of your budget.

Ki helps buyers and sellers interested in Austin real estate. His site provides information on mortgage interest rates along with a free mortgage calculator.

Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

Be A Smart Investor And Start Investing In Liquid Funds

Be A Smart Investor And Start Investing In Liquid Funds

Image source: http://www.dbfsindia.com/Data/Sites/1/dbfsliquid.jpg

Mostly, people park their surplus cash lying around idly in the savings bank account. It is secure and appropriate, if you require the money to be used on a recurring basis. However, you should take a look at your bank statement and ask yourselves, is that really the amount of money you want to make for the rest of your life? The answer will be obviously a big NO. You should keep only a small amount in the savings account. So, what should you do with your money to earn better returns than the conventional way? Well, Liquid Fund is the apt answer for this query, as it is a much better option than savings bank account for keeping your surplus money for short duration ranging from a month to a year. In this article, well be having a detailed discussion as to what Liquid funds actually are, and what makes them a better investment option.

What are Liquid Funds?

Liquid Mutual Funds are money market mutual funds in which investments are made in instruments like treasury bills, certificate of deposits, and term deposits. Their objective is to make the investors available with the opportunities to earn good returns, without bargaining on the security and liquidity of their investment. Normally, liquid funds invest in money-market instruments that have a maturity period of merely 91 days, or even less in certain cases.
One of the most intriguing features of these funds is that they bear no exit load and therefore, there is a facility of withdrawing your invested money either in whole or in part, at any point. Once you apply for redemption, youll get the amount in your bank account within 24 hours, provided it should be a working day. In the past one year, the best liquid funds in India have delivered approximately 7% returns, which is much higher than what you could get from your savings bank account that usually gets exhausted at merely 4% returns.

Top Recommended Mutual Funds by Market Experts

Kotak Floater Short Term Regular Plan(G): It is an open-ended scheme that aims to reduce the interest rate risk related with investments in fixed income instruments by investing primarily in floating interest rate securities, money market instruments, and using proper derivatives. The NAV of this fund stood at Rs. 2785.956 as on 11th December 2017, together with assets under its management to the tune of Rs. 4910.83 crore as recorded on 30th September 2017. Also, the one-year and three-year reward stream stood at 6.7% and 7.6%, respectively.

ICICI Prudential Liquid Plan Regular Plan(G):An open-ended scheme that has been ranked 2 by CRISIL in the Liquid Funds category. As of 11th December 2017, the NAV of this fund stood at Rs. 251.064. The assets managed under its watch soared up to Rs. 11832.05 crore as of 30th September 2017, and the return stream stood at a humble figure of 6.7% and 7.6% for a one-year and three-year returns, respectively.

Franklin India Treasury Management Account(G): An open-ended liquid scheme, which works on achieving the objective of providing steady income together with high liquidity. The NAV of this fund stood at Rs. 2538.118 as on 11th December 2017, and the asset size was Rs. 1469.20 crore as noted on 30th September 2017. The reward stream has been modest with one-year and three-year figures amounting to 6.8% and 7.7%, respectively.

Reliance Liquid Fund Cash Plan(G): This liquid scheme invests in a diversified portfolio having a discreet allocation to the debt and money market instruments, having the objective to maximize the returns while ensuring sufficient liquidity. The maturity of the portfolio ranges between 40 - 65 days under normal market conditions. The NAV of this fund as on 11th December 2017 was Rs. 2645.527, and the asset size stood at Rs. 2229.76 crore as on 30th September 2017.

Liquid funds are decent investment options for stationing your funds for a short-term period. Although, they do not provide the amenities of depositing or withdrawing money on non-working days and in post business hours (like ATMs), they certainly give the opportunities to earn higher returns by investing the surplus cash in them than to have it lie idle in the savings bank account. Investors should check with their financial advisors whether these funds are appropriate options for parking their surplus cash.

Basics of Confidentiality Agreements

Basics of Confidentiality Agreements

Image source: https://cdn.poptemplate.com/Image/728/example-basic-confidentiality-agreement-1.jpg

Confidentiality agreements, also known as Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) refer to legal contracts that require individuals or businesses to keep the information they receive as confidential when they enter an agreement with another party.

Confidentiality agreements are commonly used when hiring independent contractors. Examples are writers, web designers, a programmer, or anyone else who the company expects will be handling information that should be kept within the company.

There are different situations where a confidentiality agreement will come in handy and these are:

When presenting an invention or an idea of a new product or service to a potential partner, manufacturer or distributor.

When sharing financial, marketing and other types of information with a potential client.

When showing a new product or service to a potential buyer.

When receiving services from people who needs to access confidential information to perform their duty.

When making employees privy to information related to their job.

Confidentiality agreements could cover a variety of potentially damaging information when leaked from the company. Some of the common examples of such information are:

Company/Business documents, plans and strategies/tactics

Access information like passwords

Technical diagrams such as designs, software programs of the company, etc.

Results of research

Legal documents

Correspondence (emails, memo, letters, etc.)

Employee's private information
The company's confidentiality agreement should cover all information that are potentially damaging to the company.

The business can experience different levels of damages depending on the information leaked. It could range from a minor to disastrous problem.

Some of the common damages done to a company by leaked information are:

Public relations problems

Sabotage of an entire project

Acquisition of trade secrets by competitors

If the company has yet to implement a confidentiality agreement, they should sit down and consider how the company's internal information can be used against them if it comes out.

There are two types of confidentiality agreement: mutual and directional confidentiality agreements.

Directional agreements or unilateral agreements as the name implies, are one way confidentiality agreements where only one party needs the protection of an NDA since only one will be disclosing confidential information.

These confidentiality agreements are usually established to meet the secrecy requirements of patent laws or to make sure that the disclosed information will not be used by the other party without permission and probably compensation to the owner of the information.

This type of confidentiality agreement is common in agreements with manufacturers to keep the design of a new product private.

Mutual confidentiality agreements, on the other hand, involve at least two parties where both will be supplying information that they wish to be kept secret.

This type of confidentiality agreement is very common with companies who are considering a joint venture or merger.

All confidentiality agreements should be drafted with an attorney and should contain the information, materials or resources needs to be kept confidential.

The confidentiality agreement should also include the circumstances and conditions where such information can be used, the method on how conflicts about the information should be handled, and the consequences for violating the terms of the agreement.

Log on to our website to learn more about confidentiality agreements and other corporate matters. Call us toll free for legal assistance.

Basic Bulk REO Investing 101

Basic Bulk REO Investing 101

Image source: http://image.slidesharecdn.com/basics-131209221536-phpapp02/95/investment-instruments-and-basics-1-638.jpg?cb=1386649196

The current economy in the US has generated more foreclosed property than any other time in history. Real Estate Investors however, are known for turning lemons into lemonade. Investors are finding huge profits in dealing with these distressed assets direct from the banks. This new opportunity is called Bulk REO investments.

Bulk REOs investing is when a bank will put together a package of distressed or foreclosured assets together in a "package" and sell them off in BULK. This allows them to get these distressed assets off their books quicker and clean their books. The bank will take a bigger discount to sell the package so the can get back to their main business of lending. Selling their "asset pool" in this manner, actually work out better for both the bank and the investor. There is a huge opportunity for making unlimited profit if you know how !

Understanding what this business entails will give you a new opportunity to create wealth for the savvy real estate investor. Knowing the ins and outs of REO investing may make this your biggest year yet.

Banks are the institutions which can provide you with a list of properties in bulk which has a very low resale value. This means that you will be able to purchase ten different buildings or structures for the price of two or there. This is an investor's dream. The only problem is that it takes a few skills to actually be able to get near enough the right people in charge in order to be involved in a deal like this. This is because bankers and financers as well as the head honchos in the business of bulk REO are surrounded by big time investors. Bulk REO's give investors the opportunity for vast acquisitions at low cost. For this reason, this is not a you must know the in and outs of the business if you want to get involved in it.

However, It is not impossible for beginners to break into. After all, everyone needs start somewhere. You will find many people who claim they have lists of proeprty when if fact they do not. This is because they sometimes get the notion that by saying they have a 'list' will get them in touch with big time investors. In essence, the 'list' is their only bait to attract investors.THis will back fire on you very quickly and get you blacklisted in the industry.

A legitimate deal, however, is a win-win situation. An investor who has concrete relationship with the selling bank with a true bulk REO list, equals a very good and profitable deal in front of them.

Middlemen who act between these the buyer and selling parties may just make a very sizable income. Hundred of thousands of dollars can become his commission just by being at the right place at the right time, and knowing the right information.

Remember that if you are a newbie, if you are just trying to break into the "game", you might be getting involved in a "daisy chain".

Daisy chains are a chain of people claiming they have direct access to a 'list' of property for sale as long as you have the finances available. However, it turns out they don't have the list at all.

In other words, they want a 'cut' of the bulk REO sale and are hoping to put you together with the people up the ladder. The only trouble is, there are a line of people that are lining up around the list, and it is unlikely a deal can be made this way.

My advice is to stay away from daisy chains, get yourself some education on how this business works, and find your own tapes. Buyer will be lining up at your door for real deals.

Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018

Basic Bookkeeping For Small Business Can Save Money

Basic Bookkeeping For Small Business Can Save Money

Image source: http://www.acecloudhosting.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/accounting-optimization-in-small-business.jpg

Basic bookkeeping consists of recording the prime business transactions of sales, purchases and cash. The accounting documents supporting and evidencing these transactions being called prime documents which are entered into the business books by a bookkeeper.

Sales Invoices

A sales invoice is a prime document. In more advanced accounting systems technical terms such as sales day books, sales ledgers, debtors and credit control are important but at the basic level bookkeeping of sales is the act of recording those sales in the business books.

A sales day book is basically a log of sales invoices issued by the business and this level of recording financial transactions is all that may be required for a small business. A simple list of the sales invoices which would be described as part of a single entry bookkeeping system.

A basic bookkeeping system for sales invoices would be a single entry bookkeeping system with minimal analysis of the total sales value. An accountant or bookkeeper may make these entries although in smaller organisations the records are often kept by the business owner.

Larger organisations may well maintain sales day books but would certainly also enter the sales invoices into an accounting system and would usually use accounting software to do so. Within the financial accounting package the sales would not only appear as a list making up the total sales turnover but would also be entered in a sales ledger.

Each sales invoice being allocated to the various clients to whom the sales had been made. The sales ledger at this stage of the bookkeeping represents the value of goods or services sold to each customer.

Purchase Invoices

A purchase invoice is a prime document and a purchase day book is a list of purchase invoices received from suppliers. The purchase invoice day book would not normally require further financial analysis of the type of expenditure. To that extent a simple purchase day book would be a good starting point for a simple set of accounts but require a little more sophistication requiring analysis by expense type for both financial control and taxation purposes.

A basic bookkeeping system for purchase invoices would be a single entry bookkeeping system that also had columns to analyse the expenditure into the expense categories required by the particular tax rules under which the accounts were being prepared.

Medium and larger organisations require to track and control purchase invoices to control costs and payments. In a mirror of the sales ledger system purchase invoices would also be entered by supplier into a purchase ledger. The easy way is to allocate each supplier a code number so that the accounting software can collect the amounts owed to each supplier the individual supplier accounts being the purchase ledger.

Cash and Bank Transactions

Quite apart from the single entry of sales and purchases is the recording by a business in its books of cash and bank receipts and payments. The third area of prime documents is the cash receipt or bank slip, given or received. Such documents may take many forms from the till roll of a retail business to the deposit slip at a bank but all are evidence of money changing hands.

In a small business cash and bank records may be maintained separately to the records of other prime accounting records. In a simple format the cash or bank records would be similar to the bank statement but showing the names of customers and suppliers or if multiple customers for example then the source of the money being received or paid.

Larger organisations and particularly using accounting software also code each receipt and payment to the same customer and supplier codes used to produce the sales ledger and the purchase ledger. In addition to recording the cash and bank transactions in the cash and bank accounts the amounts received and paid are also recorded in the sales ledger and purchase ledger.

By recording the cash and bank transactions in the ledgers the customer and supplier records making up the accounting ledgers then show the balances on each account and the recording of the financial transactions in this way is effectively the other side of the double entry bookkeeping system.

A small business not requiring sophisticated accounting records for financial control purposes and using a single entry as opposed to a double entry bookkeeping system could simply record receipts against the list of sales invoices and the payments against the list of purchase invoices.

Basic bookkeeping using single entry of prime accounting documents would be suitable for small business, requires very little accounting knowledge and when carried out by the business owner rather than a bookkeeper or accountant can save money..

Bad Credit Loans For Entrepreneurs

Bad Credit Loans For Entrepreneurs

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/29/82/32/2982329d37cf995241394bf02cc635b5.jpg

Those who have gone through difficult financial situations due to loosing their job and as a result have bad credit, can find it really difficult to obtain financing. Many would like to start their own business to generate income but their credit score prevents them from obtaining finance. Fortunately, there are bad for entrepreneurs that can provide the funds necessary for financing the set up of a business project regardless of the applicant's credit.

These loans are of course not accessible to everyone. There are some requirements that need to be met but with the proper aid almost anyone can get these loans for entrepreneurs with bad credit. Though having sufficient equity can make things a lot easier, there are also bad credit unsecured loans. Those loans that are subsidized by the government can be approved easily if you can present a feasible business project that raises interest of the agency subsidizing the funds. But if you do not qualify for such funding, you can still obtain funds with the aid of a co-signer. Let's analyze the different possibilities:

Based On Equity

Entrepreneurs loans based on equity are loans that bypass bad credit restrictions by using the equity available on a property to secure the loan. These loans provide high loan amounts that can easily be used for starting a business but there are also lines of credit based on equity that provide a lot more flexibility in terms of repayment.

Also, these loans have very advantageous terms offering more money than regular loans, cheaper financing (bottom low interest rates), and longer repayment programs if you need them. The only drawback is that by applying and getting approved you are risking your property if you fail to make your loan payments on time. The chances of repossession to occur are higher and thus, these loans should be always paid on time.

Availability of Subsidized Loans for Entrepreneurs

Both the government and some non profit institutions are interested in promoting certain business fields. If you are planning to work on one of those fields, you may be eligible for subsidized loans which offer financing at a very interesting interest rate that can be easily as low as half of the regular rate for business loans and also very flexible repayment schedules so the repayment of the loan can be extended over longer periods of time with resulting lower payments.

In order to know which kind of fields are included in these programs, you need to search the internet for lenders offering this loan type along with instructions on how to obtain the subsidy for any particular agency or non-profit institution. Having bad credit will not be such a big issue if you can qualify for one of these loans.

Regular Business Entrepreneur Loans for Those With Bad Credit

Common business loans are also available to get the finance you need to start your business. However, the credit requirements for approval may prevent someone with bad credit from obtaining finance. To solve this issue and obtain your business loan or entrepreneur loan even with bad credit, you can apply with the aid of a co-signer that features a good credit score. That way, your credit report will not weight that much when it comes to making a decision.

Are You Think Of Investing In Multi-family Apartments

Are You Think Of Investing In Multi-family Apartments

Image source: http://cashflowdiary.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Six_Reasons_Why_Investing_in_Multi-Family_Housing_is_a_Smart_Move_FINAL.jpg

Multi-family Apartments are among the most profitable real estate investments to make today as they promise long-term returns. Irrespective of its type-whether it is townhomes, condos, luxury apartments or lakes apartments, Multifamily Investment will never be out in the business. In contrast, apartments function in two ways. First, multi-family housing can provide apartment dwelling for the Investing family.

Second, Multi-family apartments can be income apartments. Luxury apartments such as Lake Apartments, Apartments Park, Garden Apartments and River Apartments are very attractive to people who are seeking peaceful and calming dwelling away from the noise of the city. This holds true to individuals who have career in big cities particularly New York. Investment in Multi-family Apartments offer many advantages.

Foremost, as a real estate investor, Multi-family Investment provides the opportunity to own property at a lower risk with greater leverages as multi-family buildings generate income even when you do not work or out for a vacation with friends or family. It is also easier to manage 12-Unit apartment than managing 10 single home units. Second, Property Management Company assists people who want to invest in multi-family apartments without using their personal cash. In short, it is easier to apply for apartment loans from the banks when it is for multi-family apartments.

Third, there is the option of raising the value of the investor's income. The worth of income apartments is based on the rental rate of the multi-family Apartments. The investor may fix his income value by raising the fees while cutting off the expenses. Fourth, Multi-family investment does not give pressure to investors when it comes to competition. The competition is high in single unit home apartments.

Fourth, there is lesser risk in having several multi residential apartments when it comes to revenues. For example, if the multi-family investor loses two or three tenants out of 12, the losses may not that huge compared when the investment is one single house. Fifth, multi-family buildings can be converted into Condo. For added facilities and amenities therefore, attracts more cash flow, condo apartments provide more comfort to potential dwellers.

Admittedly, Investment in Multi-family Apartments is not easy as it sound. The decision involves careful planning and precise consideration of few factors. For instance, since multi-family investment is geared toward income-generating venture, it is important to determine the potential income it shall generate and this has to do with the value and location of the property. Company that provides services such as multi-property management will help the multi-family investors to initiate property and revenue reviews.

Part of the Investment planning is to have financial and marketing analysis. The Financial analysis includes the building maintenance and equipment, title deeds and income tax return of the property especially in the previous three years, insurance policies, litigation history [should there be any], fire systems, utility bills and details on existing liens. The task also involves inspection by the Engineering and Environmental departments respectively.

None of the above task is hard to do because the investors themselves shall need the services of real estate attorney who will do the process for them. The marketing analysis of Multi-family Apartments is to create marketing strategy to maximize the revenues and multi-family investment returns.

Jumat, 26 Januari 2018

Applying For A Mortgage Loan

Applying For A Mortgage Loan

Image source: http://www.fortunebuilders.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/applying-for-a-loan.jpg

When applying for a mortgage its not about how much you can get, but how much you can afford to miss each month. However much you desire to live in the house of your dreams, you dont want your mortgage to make all other things in life impossible. But do you know what to look out for before applying for a mortgage? When it comes to applying for a mortgage its important to be prepared. Dont take any risk and read through these tips.

Beware of mortgages with a low interest rate The advertisements on mortgages with a low interest rate look very appealing, but often they dont mention the "small print". The interest will probably be lower at first, but in the long term you will be paying a lot more. The interest will mostly be raised after some time. Usually this happens after the first year, so make sure you go through the small print of the mortgage.

A low interest mortgage isnt always cheaper The winnings of a low interest mortgage usually disappear by an expensive life insurance cost or other hidden costs. This is understandable since the mortgage lender wants to make a profit. Therefore its possible to lose more money with a lower interest rate. It is recommended to pick a mortgage with a normal interest rate and maybe a cheap insurance.

Think ahead If you are planning to lend extra money for a home improvement, then this may be important for your mortgage. It may also be important to know if you can migrate your mortgage when moving to another house. These future developments have to be in the advice of the mortgage adviser.

Ask for an explanation of the advice After the conversation with your adviser, ask your mortgage adviser how he came to his final advice. Let your gut feelings play an important role in accepting this advice. Applying for a mortgage is an important decision where a basis of trust is needed. Buying a house only happens a few times in your life, so make sure you trust the advice of your mortgage adviser for 100%.

Do not be tempted by mortgages investing in stocks In some mortgage constructions you save up to your final payment by investing the lent money in stocks. Often unrealistic high interest rates are indicated for these mortgages. You are tempted with quotes like: "This mutual fund will have an average output of 22% in 30 years." What they dont tell you is that the mutual fund has been composed after this period, which makes it very easy to choose a composition with a high output. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Take a suitable period of fixed interest This is the period for which the mortgage rate is fixed. The longer the period, the higher the interest rate is. It is advisable to choose a short fixed interest period, or a variable rate when the interest is dropping or remains the same for a long time. Choose a longer period if you think the interest will rise.

Applying for a mortgage will probably be the biggest financial decision you will take in your life. Youd better take your time and get some good advice. To get some decent advice from your adviser, it is important that you have a good overview of your personal financial situation, now and in the future. The adviser can then give you several options based upon your personal circumstances and therefore help you professionally when applying for a mortgage.

An Honest Review of RaceBets

An Honest Review

Image source: https://www.pickypinchers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/an-honest-review-of-the-cinch-money-app.png

Nowadays, you can log on from the comfort of your own home and have instant access to numerous horse races. The internet has made betting on horse races easier than ever.

If you love betting on horse racing, then you may have heard of RaceBets. This online betting platform gives users access to horse races in over 40 countries.

You know its popular but is it a trustworthy site?

Read on for a review of RaceBets.

1. 100% Sign Up Bonus For New Customers

One of the most enticing parts of RaceBets is that it offers a welcome bonus to new customers. The bonus is for 100% of the first deposit and is good for up to 50.

To get the sign-up bonus, all you have to do is create an account, make your first deposit and then wager it in full. You have 45 days to be eligible for the bonus, and once you receive it you must use it within 30 days.

The only downside to the sign-up bonus is deposits made from Skrill and Neteller (e-wallets) are not eligible for it.

The length of time given to claim the bonus and actually use it is a big selling point. Users can feel less pressured to jump into betting after making an account.

2. Customer Support

RaceBets has a stable customer support system that is easy to use. The Live Chat feature on the website can connect customers with a representative from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

If you run into troubleshooting issues on the weekends, RaceBets provides an email address as well; it also guarantees a response within 24 hours.

Aside from human support, RaceBets also has an entire forum on its website with frequently asked questions. Should you run into minor errors, this convenient database enables you to find an answer without having to wait for someones response.

3. Website and Mobile Website

The RaceBets website is more than satisfactory. RaceBets provides live racing streams itself instead of through a third-party, and you can tell all of the streams are high quality. You can also reach the streams directly from a race card, which is convenient.

The website in itself is easy to navigate and has a great look to it. The mobile version of the website doesnt disappoint, either; while most mobile websites can have terrible configuration and seem stretched too wide, RaceBets easily downloads and is similar to the desktop site.

Easily accessing the site via mobile phone allows you to take RaceBets anywhere you go.

The Final Verdict

RaceBets is an online betting platform that makes horse betting fun but also puts the customer first.

With a generous sign-up bonus, an easily accessible customer support system and a beautiful website and mobile website, its easy to see that the creators put a great deal of thought into their product.

That being said, RaceBets is an online horse race betting platform you can trust.

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Agents and Planners Improve Your Prospecting Results And Generate More Life Insurance Leads

Agents and Planners Improve Your Prospecting Results And Generate More Life Insurance Leads

Image source: https://1twsy32n2nrt10ngko2pcqanx39-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/map-territory.png

More life insurance leads and prospecting success starts here.

If you want to generate life insurance leads and have better success prospecting for insurance and financial plans, the the learning cycle can be significant, however there are number of steps that can reduce that learning curve.

It takes a very disciplined and hard working person to endure the life insurance sales job. There are many set backs and rejections, but those with the right attitude will attain great financial rewards.

In order to succeed with life insurance lead generating and prospecting, you need to be constantly promoting. You can use the old form of direct mail to bring leads into your business. Ensure that the envelope does not look like junk mail. Labels, and bulk mailings are easy to identify as 'junk' and therefore they get thrown out.

Your sales letter should persuade your prospect to either call or ask for more information.

Also, do not bore your prospect with how wonderful your company is. Always write assuming your prospect is thinking, 'What's In It For Me?"

Teleseminars are also a great prospecting and lead generation tool. Teleseminars are very cheap to operate and you can have hundreds of potential clients on the line at one time. Provide some good valuable information and then end with your sales pitch. The goal of the teleseminar is to get prospects to either buy from you or sign up to your mailing list.

Having a website is critical for success when prospecting for life insurance and generating qualified life insurance leads. You need to set up a lead capture form on your website to collect the email address of your prospects. Offer them something of value in return for their email.

Also, once you have their email address, start to send regular follow up emails. But do not use sales messages. Send quality information they can use. This establishes trust, credibility, and positions you as an expert.

A good rule of thumb is to send seven quality emails before asking for an appointment or a sale. For this reason, it's a good idea to have an auto responder series set up so you don't have to do it manually.

Creating articles that can be posted across the Internet is a great prospecting and lead generation secret. Many website owners will display the article on their website free of charge. This is free advertising for you. Ask local websites to post your articles, or test advertising on these sights.

Create articles and post them to article directories. This well get links into your sight and it will rank your site higher on the search engines. Ensure that the resource box contains the address to your sign up page, so you can capture the email address and follow up with life insurance and financial planning prospects.

Use a referral generation form on your website also. When someone visits your site, the form allows him or her to enter the name and email address of people they know. Again, this is a free form of prospecting but very effective. You can instantly double your life insurance leads and financial planning leads with this technique.

Create joint venture deals with other people in your industry. Ask them to promote your products and services to their customer list. This can bring you instant sales and create a huge mailing list that can be used for years to come.

Regardless of your current experience in the life insurance industry, the life insurance prospecting ideas above will give you an advantage over your competition and allow you to generate more leads and close more sales.

Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

Advantages and Disadvantages of Factoring and Asset-based Lines of Credit

Advantages and Disadvantages of Factoring and Asset-based Lines of Credit

Image source: http://www.accutraccapital.com/_assets/images/blog/flat-fee-factoring-simple-read-more.png

What is Asset-Based Lending?

Asset-based financial services organizations (asset-based lenders) play a vital part in financing the economy and are dedicated to the growth and well-being of their clients. They provide their clients with cash by lending on fixed assets, accounts receivable and inventory, and engage in factoring, purchase order financing, real estate financing and leasing. They include the asset-based lending arms of domestic and foreign commercial banks, small and large independent finance companies, floor plan financing organizations, factoring organizations and financing subsidiaries of major industrial corporations.

Expert in all facets of collateralized lending, asset-based lenders - large and small alike - possess the experience and know-how to structure the proper financing program for their borrowers. They specialize in financing businesses and business transactions involving a broad range of products and services, both domestically and internationally. They provide:

- Operating cash
- Funding for an acquisition, a merger or a leveraged buyout
- Debt consolidation
- Turnaround financing
- Bankruptcy/reorganization financing
- Equipment financing
- Inventory financing
- Floor plan financing
- Equipment leasing
- Import/export trade financing
- Growth financing
- Factoring services
- Growth Money

Businesses need money to grow. A business cannot survive just because it has a better product, an exclusive market or the best method of distribution. The catalyst required for progress is money.

Business owners and managers must be knowledgeable about financing, what it can do, why one form may be better than another. It can be used when:

- Operating cash is tied up in receivables
- The best trade terms for supplies create cash flow shortages
- Inventory levels are high because of client demands
- Sales growth is straining resources
- Seasonality peaks cause problems
- No fixed assets are available for collateral
- Trade discounts and special pricing terms cannot be obtained
- Letters of credit are required to supply or buy overseas
- Debtor-in-possession financing is required

Asset-based lenders often advance funds when traditional sources are not available. They are familiar with various types of businesses and are responsive to client needs.

Loan size
Asset-based lenders fund businesses with annual sales less than $25,000 to more than $1 billion. Credit depends on the type of business and the content and quality of the collateral. Frequently, the credit granted is more than the net worth of the business.

The increased cash availability provided by asset-based lenders often makes the difference between profitable growth and failure for the undercapitalized business.

The phrases "too small," "too new," and "not enough net worth," do not deter an asset-based funding source.

The flexibility and cash availability provided by asset-based financing have enabled countless companies to grow and take advantage of market opportunities.

The cost of asset-based loans is influenced by the credit risk and collateral associated with the transaction. When evaluating an asset-based loan, borrowers should assess the cost of financing in the context of the benefits to be received. Compared with other financing alternatives, asset-based lending is very cost effective and efficient.

Asset-based lenders frequently look beyond financial statements to determine how much money they are prepared to advance at and after closing. Therefore, borrowers can take advantage of profit opportunities in the market by being able to plan ahead based upon their cash availability.

Asset-based lenders are proactive rather than reactive and can often restructure debt during tough times to help avoid costly and disruptive refinancing.

Over the long haul, the benefits will tend to offset the premiums associated with borrowing from the asset-based financial services industry.

Types of Asset-Based Financing

Secured lending
The lender provides funds secured by the assets of the borrower. The collateral can include: accounts receivable, inventory, machinery, real estate, patents, trademarks or other assets where value can be determined.

The secured lender may establish a revolving loan where the borrower provides a pool of collateral that the lender translates into operating cash or working capital. The borrower uses the financing to buy more materials, expand marketing, improve productivity or other improvements and sells the resultant product. The sales create receivables that are pledged for cash advances and the payments received on the invoices pay down the loan. These increases and reductions in the loan balance are cyclical, hence the revolving nature of the loan.

Some receivables have less collateral value, for example, progress billing, past due receivables, and receivables subject to "set-off". Raw materials and finished goods are normally acceptable collateral, but work-in-progress generally is not. Equipment and real estate may also be used as a source of financing.

Non-recourse factoring: The financing institution buys the receivable and assumes the risk of customer credit. The factor guarantees against credit loss, unlike a secured lending facility. The factor will also check credit, undertake collection and manage bookkeeping functions.

Full-recourse financing: The financing institution accepts assignment of the receivable but does not assume the credit risk. The client retains responsibility for managing the receivable portfolio. Generally, the lender will finance invoices up to ninety days from delivery of goods or services, then charge them back to the client.

Discount factoring: The factor purchases the receivables at a discount to compensate for paying prior to the due date.

Maturity factoring: The factor purchases the receivables, assumes the credit risk and advances cash to the client as the invoices mature.

Non-notification factoring: Account debtors are not notified of the sale of the receivables and the invoices are either paid to a lock-box or to the shipper. This is similar to a receivable loan.

Notification factoring: Account debtors are notified of the purchase of the receivables and are directed to make payments to the factor.
Spot factoring: A "one shot" transaction, generally out of the normal course of business.

Floor plan financing: Certain industries require significant high-priced finished goods inventory. Examples: automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions and stereo systems. These are supplied on extended credit terms to retailers. Retailers usually do not purchase this expensive inventory outright; rather a finance company will provide credit to purchase the inventory, secured by the product "on the floor".

Leasing: The lessor purchases the equipment needed to fulfill certain obligations and the equipment remains the property of the lessor even after all the borrowed funds are repaid; or existing assets are sold to and leased from a leasing company to release capital needed for working capital purposes.

Purchase order financing: Working capital financing is secured by a security interest in existing purchase orders and the proceeds of the purchase orders. Normally the security interest is perfected by the lender taking possession of the inventory or raw materials.

Real estate financing: the mortgaging of land and/or buildings to raise working capital.

More about factoring

The origin of the factoring industry has been traced to the days of the Roman Empire or even earlier, but the industry as we know it today in the United States goes back only about 200 years to the early nineteenth century.

Factors evolved from U.S. selling agents for European textile mills. The European mills used the agents to sell their fabrics in the U.S. and paid the agents a commission on sales. The agents also warehoused merchandise and did the shipping for their European clients. As these selling agents prospered and became more familiar with their own customers, they began taking on the job of establishing credit terms and advancing funds to the European mills. The oldest documented factoring firm traced its roots to 1810 and several others were established in the first half of the nineteenth century.

Traditional or old-line factoring is fairly straightforward and is designed for long-term relationships. It involves the purchase of receivables without recourse and with notification to the client's customer. The factor buys the receivables created by a client's sales and then collects the proceeds directly from the client's customer. After the factor buys a receivable, it assumes the credit risk on that receivable. If the client's customer doesn't pay because of a credit problem, the factor must assume the loss.

Essentially, an old-line factor offers its clients credit protection, collection, bookkeeping services and financing. In addition to advances against receivables purchased, once a relationship is established, factors often provide clients with over-advances during peak shipping seasons. Factors also offer financing services and accommodations such as inventory loans, letters of credit/import financing and equipment financing. Export financing is also available through alliances with international factoring networks.

Principally because credit guarantees are important in textiles and apparel and because of factoring's roots in the textile industry, about 70 percent of the volume of old-line factors is still in textiles, apparel and related industries.

Since the factor takes the credit risk on the sale, it must first approve the sale through its credit department. Thus, the client is relieved of the cost of running a credit department. Because of the credit guarantee, old-line factoring is limited to industries in which credit information is available. The charge for the credit and collection service, called the factoring commission, varies with the sales volume of the client, the size of the transactions and competitive conditions.

The economic rationale for the factoring service is fairly obvious. With thousands of suppliers selling to the same customer, without factoring, each seller would have to do its own credit appraisals and collections. This involves an incredible duplication of effort. With factoring, a single credit department operating for hundreds or thousands of suppliers, eliminates much of the duplication and promotes efficiency. And with the aid of electronic data processing, the cost of the credit and collection operation has been reduced exponentially and the savings are passed on to the client. Technology has revolutionized the industry, eliminating tons of paperwork and providing clients with valuable on-line information. The system can generate a host of reports on sales analysis and other information to help a client analyze its own business.

It should be noted that the factor's guarantee, is a credit guarantee and does not apply to anything other than the financial inability of the client's customer to pay. The guarantee does not apply to merchandise disputes between the buyer and the seller. If the receivable is not paid because of buyer claims of defective merchandise or untimely delivery or any other dispute involving the merchandise or its delivery, the factor will look to the client (the seller) for reimbursement.

The credit and collection service is just half of the business of the old line factor. The other half, and for many clients, the more important half, involves advances of funds against the purchased receivables. If the customer wants a cash advance, it can borrow from the factor. The interest on the loan is in addition to the commission and is usually at a rate competitive with the cost of a comparable bank loan.

Many factoring clients are maturity or non-borrowing clients. They wait until the purchased receivables are paid and then may collect the proceeds from the factor. If the client leaves the funds with the factor after collection, the factor will pay interest on the balances at a rate comparable with the factors' cost of funds. These balances may be drawn upon when needed.

Traditionally, factoring was done on a notification basis. The client's customer is notified that the account has been turned over to a factor and the customer's payment should be made directly to the factor. However, a non-notification agreement can be worked out. The factor would still purchase the receivables outright after doing the normal credit check of the customer, but the customer wouldn't be notified that its account has been sold. If the client borrows money, customer payments in non-notification accounts are usually sent to lock-boxes which the factor administers.

Aside from old-line factoring, there are as many variations on factoring as there are entrepreneurs who choose to use the name. There are commercial finance companies, some of which call themselves factors, single-invoice factors, purchase order factors, recourse factors, invoice discounters and re-factors.

- Commercial finance companies do not provide credit guarantees, but lend against collateral, principally receivables and inventory, and are an offshoot of the factoring industry and go back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Largely because the commercial finance companies operate in diverse industries in contrast with traditional factoring which is still largely married to textiles and apparel because of the need for credit guarantees in those industries, it has grown much more rapidly than traditional factoring. Rather than purchasing receivables, commercial finance companies take assignments of receivables as collateral for loans. The client collects the receivables proceeds and uses the funds to pay down the loan. Defaulted receivables are the client's problem (but could be the lender's problem if defaults are substantial). The lender normally provides enough of a cushion so that if the client fails to repay the loan, the collateral can be liquidated and provides full payment.

- Single-invoice factors provide essentially the same services as the old-line factors but they do it one invoice at a time. Also, there are very few non-borrowing clients for single-invoice factoring because a company that factors a single invoice usually is motivated by the need for financing.

- While factors finance receivables after they are created, purchase-order factors provide financing so clients can fill orders that they cannot finance on their own. Once the order is filled and is converted to a receivable, a traditional factor might purchase the receivable and cash out the purchase order factor.

- Recourse factors are usually small factoring companies that purchase receivables often in non-traditional industries where credit information is not readily available. They buy the receivables but those that are unpaid are charged back to the client.

- Invoice discounting is similar to the recourse factoring and is prevalent in England and some other European countries. The invoice discounter buys receivables, but rather than focusing on the credit worthiness of the client's customer, they concentrate on whether the contract creating the receivable allows sale or assignment. Non-paying receivables are charged back to the client.

- Re-factors provide the same services as old-line factors, but they work with small companies, sometimes with sales volume as low as $500,000 (generally large factors need at least $3 million in volume). The re-factors provide the financing, but use the services of traditional factors to handle the credit checking and credit guarantees. They make their money from interest on money advanced and a spread between the re-factors commission cost and what it charges its own clients.

Accessing finance can be a real problem for many small businesses, especially if they are growing fast. One option many businesses don't consider is factoring, or cash-flow lending as it is sometimes called.
While not suitable for every business, factoring can provide a revolving line of credit and a reduction in administrative costs.

Factoring involves the sale of a business' book debts on a continuing basis. Usually, the factoring firm will buy the business' sales invoices at a discount of between 70 and 90 percent. The factor then collects the invoice amounts from the business' customers. The business receives the cash, less the discount, from a credit sale quickly (usually within 24 to 48 hours) and maintains a healthy cash-flow even though the debtors may not pay for the sale for another 60 days or so.

Usually, the factoring firm takes the difference as profit; however some factor companies prefer to provide a percentage up front, the remainder on collection, and charge interest and fees on the transaction.

The use of credit cards in the retail industry is a form of consumer factoring, where the retailer is paid immediately for goods or services and the credit card company collects the payment from the customer. Some US banks offer asset-based cash-flow lending but have generally found limited interest in the products - with many businesses put off by higher interest rates charged to reflect the risk of lending against assets not secured by property.

Several Options
Factoring firms can offer several levels of service. The premier service usually involves taking over the complete management of the business' accounts receivable, including administration, confirmation, and collection of invoices, regular reports and monthly ageing reports on all accounts processed.

This is usually coupled with a seamless, confidential service, where the customer of the business is unaware of the relationship between the business and the factor and all communication between the factor and the customer is branded as the business. In other cases, the factor may only take over aspects of the accounts receivable function.

The level of service provided by the factor is often related to the value of the debtors book.

While it may appear complicated at first, outsourcing accounts receivable can significantly reduce costs. More importantly, it is particularly useful for businesses that are growing or moving in a different direction with a view to improving profitability. A growing business can quickly outgrow an overdraft secured by fixed assets, yet it may not be able to obtain finance on an unsecured basis.

A business may also need the flexibility to cover sudden increases in order levels. Factoring provides funding in line with sales growth.

This form of finance can also be useful for start-up businesses that need to pump cash back into their business to build their inventory, but have difficulty obtaining overdraft or working capital facilities due to a lack of trading history.

Service, manufacturing and wholesale businesses are often suited to this type of finance.

Businesses that mainly sell on cash terms to the general public may find credit cards or overdrafts more cost effective. Those with complex products or terms of sale such as trial and return clauses or those in the construction industry, where customers are invoiced in stages, are also less suited to factoring due to the complexity of the supplier/customer relationship.

Pros and Cons
As with all business finance, factoring offers advantages, disadvantages and potential pitfalls.

The level of benefit from factoring will vary from business to business.
But it usually provides:

* Immediate cash-flow access to 70-90 percent of the value of debtor invoices.

* Working capital for growth without requirements for a strong balance sheet or substantial net worth.

* A good interface with the supplier and, as a result, a seamless transaction for the customer.

* Outsourced debtor administration and associated cost savings.

* The ability to increase sales by offering credit which the business may have been unable to fund otherwise.

* The ability to take advantage of creditor discount terms, improve credit rating by being able to pay creditors promptly and an enhanced ability to capitalize on larger orders as required.

* The option to free up property from being tied as security.
Some issues that should be considered if looking at factoring as an option include:

* Complexity. Rather than simplify the account-keeping, factoring may add complexity to the business depending on the level of integration of account-keeping processes.

* Culture. If the culture of the business and the factor are at odds, the arrangement may interfere with the relationship with customers.

* Bad Debts. In most cases, the business still wears the non-collection risk and may end up following a restrictive process to maintain the facility.

* Cost. It can be expensive depending on the interest and costs charged by the particular firm such as finance charges, administration charges, mailing charges, etc.

* Asset control. Some factors take a floating charge over all the business' assets not just debtors. Consequently a business may need to obtain a release from the factor to sell any of its assets.

* Value. The factor may only finance a percentage of the debtor value and may undertake its own audit of the business' accounts.

* Customer relations. Some factors will take over the entire debtor ledger which may cause difficulties if a business wishes to remain in control of some accounts that are particularly sensitive or vital to the business.

* Security. Some factoring firms now require small businesses to provide property as security in which case it may be cheaper and more effective to arrange a bank overdraft.

One of the most common traps for small businesses using factoring is the assumption that outsourcing the function means outsourcing the responsibility.

The benefit of using a factoring facility still depends on good management of debtors and the finances of the business. Every business must manage their terms of trade, and ensure the terms they offer and the credits they receive are appropriate for their particular business. They need an effective debt collection system and simple internal controls to prevent errors.

Factoring could cause additional problems for businesses without a good handle on cash-flow management and cost budgeting. They may find themselves in a downward spiral, spending debtor receipts on current overheads and not paying the current creditors and then wondering what went wrong. They need to understand the money flow of the business and use short-term funding such as factoring on short-term assets.

With good management, the use of factoring can be a very useful source of finance particularly for a young business that is growing fast. However, there are plenty of traps for the unwary, and as always, if in doubt get advice before committing to any form of finance.

Copyright (c) 2007 Gregg Financial Services

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