Kamis, 01 Februari 2018

Creating a Good Reference List

Creating a Good Reference List

Image source: http://www.abresume2017.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/references-page-of-resume-examples-of-reference-page-for-resume-ski8.png

One of the greatest mysteries associated with applying for a job is how to create a good reference list. Because not every employer even requests this list as a part of the application process, it can often be difficult to know exactly who should be listed and when.

One key to remember is even if you dont know whether references are necessary, its good to think of some people you might want to consider just in case. But thats just one consideration to make regarding reference lists. Here are a few others that you might want to keep in mind

Make Your List Employer-Specific

While its great to have your list of reliables to work with for every job that you apply for, some references are better for some jobs than others. For instance, suppose youve held jobs at both a non-profit organization and Fortune 500 company as a mid-level sales rep. Now youre applying for a job at another non-profit organization in a slightly higher position and would like to use your boss from the Fortune 500 company as your reference because you had a better rapport with him.

While a reference from a manager at a Fortune 500 company is incredibly impressive, it may be better to use a reference from a member of the non-profit organization you worked for. A reference from the organization would be more employer-specific because he or she can attest to your knowledge of the non-profit world. Of course, when making this choice, its good to consider how long you worked for the organization and how much of a contribution you made. If you didnt make a huge contribution to the organization, or cant find a good reference, then the Fortune 500 company may work better for you.

Help References Turn Your Negative Points into Positives

On almost any job youve held, there is the possibility of you having made a minor or even major screw-up. Either that or you may have had a weak trait that seemed to be the underlying theme of your stay at an employer. No matter what your negative point may have been, its a good idea to help your reference turn that negative into a positive.

For instance, if you had a problem with being organized at your last employer and you have listed a reliable reference from this company its good to let that person know that you are now much more organized than when you were employed there. Also, its good to remind your reference of any great or memorable accomplishments that they can mention when the hiring manager calls.

Dont Forget to Obtain Permission

If youre going to use a person as a reference on your list, its important that you obtain permission to use his or her name. This not only makes sure that the person is prepared to make comments about you if asked, but also, it ensures that you dont request a recommendation from a person who doesnt think very highly of your work ethic or capabilities.

Once youve taken the necessary steps to create a good list, your next step is to begin sending off applications. With any luck, this will help you obtain the job you truly want and deserve.

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