From paying the bills to scheduling maintenance or repairs of home appliances or systems, today's butler makes sure that the details are taken care of every day. All of the unpredictable occurrences of a household, especially those that are complex and wide-ranging, fall to the butler to manage and organise. Often this will include booking appointments, maintaining a social calendar for the family members, keeping inventory of pantry and household needs, and often being aware of or employing the latest technology needed to run household systems and security.
Should the household be large enough or prominent enough in society, the butler takes on even more duties such as management of the wine cellar, overseeing other domestic staff in charge of cleaning or the kitchens, ensuring that wardrobes are adequate for social activities and properly maintained - literally a bit of everything falls under the butler's purview, and quite a bit of some things are his or her sole responsibility.
Likewise, an estate manager serves a similar purpose to the operations of a household but on a larger scale and higher level. estate managers are necessary to households that exceed 15,000 square feet or more, or that have widespread grounds, or multiple properties in various locations either in-country or international. These large households will require the services of an estate manager who oversees all domestic and estate staff across the properties from stables, farms, tenants, and security personnel, as well as oversight of the butler whose role revolves around the house and family itself. In these larger and more complex households, all matters financial, technical, and maintenance or repair oriented come under his or her purview as well as hiring and terminating staff. The estate manager is the team leader for all personnel who work within the household or throughout the properties of the family they serve. An outstanding estate manager works closely with the head of the family to ensure that all is managed in accordance with the families wants and requirements.
Finding just the right butler or estate manager can be tricky - after all, this person wields a great influence for everyone living within the family structure as well for all other staff who might be required. The savvy family looks to Hutchinson's Domestic Staff Consultancy for proper placement of these highly talented and necessary staff members as Hutchinson's has built a stellar reputation worldwide as the recruitment center whose excellent record of matching families and key staff is legendary. You can trust Hutchinson's to find the right butler jobs or estate manager to meet all your household needs.