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In todays complicated world, earning a living is the primary purpose of most working adults. Its an important role, but can also feel like a burden. The thought of not having the responsibility of going to work every day to earn a paycheck can bring a sudden sense of relief when you retire. But, earning a living is also a great motivator. Your objectives are clearly defined. You know why you get up every morning.
Initially, retirement brings a release from the weight and pressure of being a bread winner. Without work, there is often a vacuum that is not easily filled. While it may feel like a chokehold at times, at least you know whats expected of you. You know what motivates you and you know what you have to do.
Retirement opens up a wonderful opportunity, but it can feel overwhelming to find a new sense of purpose, a new reason to get up in the morning. Many people find ways of staying busy without ever tapping into meaningful activities. Others wile away the hours not really sure what to do.
Baby boomers report a desire to want to do more with their retirement years. They want to have experience, they want to make a contribution and a difference in the world. In fact, they want from retirement what theyve always wanted from life, to have it bigger and to have it better. For those who are willing to take the time, the opportunity for meaning will come from finding a new sense of purpose.
What do we mean when we say the word purpose? Webster defines purpose as an intention; something to be attained. Finding your purpose answers the questions, Why am I here? and What am I supposed to do with my life?
When people ask these questions, they are looking for a deeper answer than the next goal they want to attain. In the quest for purpose, people are looking for a sense of direction. They are searching to find a greater meaning for their lives.
Finding your purpose neednt be an intimidating and formidable process or outcome. Purpose is simply a voice inside you that works like a compass letting you know when you are living authentically. Living authentically means you are willing to be yourself and not what others think you should be. (Or not what you think others think you should be!) While the voice of purpose may be small, it creates a way of connecting to something larger than just your personal well-being.
It appears some people have a clear sense of purpose from the beginning. For most of us its a choice we make to say we matter, and that what we do matters. Purpose becomes a commitment we make to ourselves. A feeling of being alive and fullness comes when we choose to live from purpose.
Retirement offers a unique opportunity to find a new sense of purpose or direction that extends beyond to the normal responsibilities of adulthood.