Love of Family
More often than not the reason people buy life insurance is because they care about what their loved ones will experience if they should die suddenly. This caring can be expressed in different ways. The Hawaiian people, I am told, have such a deep passion for the well being of their families that they will go to extreme limits to protect them. They tend to buy lots of life insurance as a result.
There are others who buy life insurance through a deep sense of responsibility. They love their families but they are driven more by the fact that the family relies on them so they have to live up to what is expected of them.
Tax Advantages
Some people, especially the business minded, buy life insurance for the tax advantages the purchase provides. The death benefit of the policy is paid free of Federal Income Taxes more often than not. If the policy is part of your estate the proceeds are taxable.
If you own cash value life insurance the cash value and dividends accumulate tax free. When you cash in the policy you will need to pay the taxes on the interest earned. The reason this is advantage is that these policies are usually cashed in round and about retirement time. Your income is likely to be less than when you were working so you would be in a lower tax bracket.
Tax Shelters
The most highly paid life insurance salesmen are the ones who know the tax laws inside out. Here is how they do it. They are usually qualified Financial Planners. Some are Attorneys or Accountants. What they do is to show well off people legal ways of sheltering their income from Income Taxes. They save them a lot of money. As a result these clients think nothing of putting some of the money in a life insurance policy that they need anyway. They need to buy life insurance to protect their families. A large portion of an estate can easily go to pay estate taxes. These people buy life insurance policies sufficient to pay the taxes upon death.
The reasons we buy life insurance may vastly differ but everyone needs to buy some sort of a policy...if it is even just to take care of final expenses.
Here are some things that everyone should consider:
And for the person who owns a business: