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If you didn't get an invitation to the derek blasberg wedding, don't worry. Some questions still need to be answered before the final vows.
If you are reading this article, chances are that you know derek blasberg or you are just interested in the new york socialite community. In writing this article I pondered the thought if you are not really a wealthy member of the NY Socialite community, how long could you actually last, living in the expensive world of New York without getting married to someone who is?
Will derek blasberg's bride be a NY socialite from 10021 or someone from the midwest? Will Derek Blasberg be looking for a sugar momma, or will derek blasberg seek true love? Will derek marry someone older than him? While there are many more have not's in the world than those that do, many people want to know who will derek blasberg marry? Do New York anomolies like derek blasberg get married to NY socilaites, or forever remain as safe arm candy?
Lets look at why a 10021 New York socialite Upper East Sider might want to get married to derek blasberg:
1. does derek blasberg have better invites and better access to socialite events then them?
2. Is derek blasberg more liked than the real 10021 new york socialites with family money?
3. Is derek blasberg a drawing card of attention, for anyone who he shows up with, giving his wife or date equal attention?
Will a NY Socialite say YES to a man without financial worth? Besides dating or being seen with derek blasberg, or acting like a neutral and safe date, Is there any more value in him? Even if he could influence the writing of an article or photoshoot for his NY socialite fiance in a well read periodical by NY socialites like vogue or vanity fair, is this enough value? If you try to define and compare derek blasberg to NY writers of the past who hung out with NY socialites like truman capote, than derek is not in the same league as far as talent as a writer.
Then there is the question of derek blasberg being gay? What is his sexual preference when the patrick mcmillen camera is off of him? Is lyle maltz his lover, because lyle maltz is seen with derek blasberg at many socialite events together. Is lyle maltz a real NY socialite or someone like derek blasberg who does not really belong? Does derek blasberg belong? If derek blasberg is just a mid west boy from a fly over state, does that mean anyone can move to new york and become a ny socialite? The answer is YES!
This is two in a series of articles written about NY Socialite derek blasberg by socialite publicist rob tencer from rob tencer socialite public relations.