Industry Trends, Benefits, and Backlash
Debt collection industry is under risk, as it is frequently failingto ensure compliance and keeps facing law suits. Its result is ahigher rate of money lending and falling profitability for the lenders. In such a scenario, this industry is in an urgent need of help, to support and manage the risks and save the credit losses, even if in a small measure. Technology has the potential to replace these human follies with technological acumen and free up people from tedious, mundane tasks so that they can focus on debt recovery.
Here are a few trends and challenges that are currently impacting debt collection operations:
1. Instead of Collections, Collections-Functions are Pivotal
Collection functions such as connecting with the banks, pulling out accounts, mitigating risks, complying with the CFPB standards and guidelines, and planning the deals are a significant part of the debt attorneys. While this work does not add up to any real work that can result in profits, it also causes the massive cost to the credit recovery agencies. While the debt attorneys should focus on recovery, they spend at least two days in getting this cumbersome task done, while also continually evolving to meet the regulatory norms.
2. Ineffective Debt Collection System
Debt management and collections system used by majority of the agencies is traditional and manual, under which, the attorney has to work on different portals as there is no one consolidated control system. This results in duplication of data, data loss, inconsistencies and ultimately poor business outcome and more investment. This is a complex process that needs de-cluttering.
3. Dearth of Intelligent Strategies of Recovery
Debt attorneys get so exhausted by the cumbersome clerical tasks that they fail to pay attention to their recovery practices and methods. They want a quick recovery, to obtain that they prefer closing the deal on a lower amount or by confiscation of assets. However, there is a scope for devising better strategies.
4. Paucity of Appropriate Tools
What an attorney needs to successfully close an account is a consolidated platform to find all the information related to the debtor. If the attorney has to refer different systems to gather the information, half of the energy and effort is lost. To help focus on the real work, it is imperative to have a solution that has everything in one place.
The Bottom Line
Debt collection industry is in need of debt management and collections system, which can help them push their ROI up. Technological innovation has already infiltrated into the industry, with debt collection software that automates the clerical debt collection process, and pushing up the profitability of an enterprise. According to analysis, a proper debt collection system leads to 25% increase in revenue collection, with 31% optimization of Control & Task Management work.